Creating Safety & Building Resilience
Feb 24, 2023
Why is it so important to feel safe, and what can we do to return to a state of safety, especially if our life path leads us to experience trauma, fear, or betrayal?
Now more than ever, medical communities are highlighting the relevance of the mind-body connection to a person’s health, performance, ability to cope with stress, and overall wellness.
The combination of feeling safe and resilient in times of stress is at the core of feeling healthy, reducing discomfort, and living optimally.
When the central nervous system (CNS) becomes upregulated and caught in a chronic state of arousal, the downregulating function of the parasympathetic nervous system (your ability to rest and digest) is compromised. This state of upregulation may contribute to pain, inflammation, reduced fertility and creates a susceptibility to disease in the physical body.
Creating safety is essential; so it’s important to ask yourself frequently throughout the day, What do I need right now to create safety and take care of myself in this moment? Or simply, What’s my best choice right now?
Then, listen to your body and hear your thoughts. Do your best to honor your inner guidance when it responds. Is it time to put some space between yourself and someone who’s hurt you? Perhaps it’s time to speak up in a situation that’s been unjust.
Once a sense of safety is established, we can practice building resilience. As defined by the HeartMath™ Institute, resilience is the capacity to prepare for, recover from and adapt to adversity, trauma or challenge, in times of stress.
Working with skilled practitioners and counselors, journaling, doing energy work, trying hypnotherapy, participating in sound healing, and/or surrounding yourself with people who can facilitate safe feelings within you are a few ways to practice building resilience. New feelings of safety will, in time, allow you to rebuild a new way of being in the world.
Written by: Cindy Graessle
(Click here to learn more or book an appointment with Cindy Graessle)